The HIV Laboratory Waste Cost Assessment Framework (WCAF)

The HIV Laboratory Waste Cost Assessment Framework (WCAF)

The HIV Laboratory Waste Cost Assessment Framework (WCAF)

The HIV Laboratory Waste Cost Assessment Framework (WCAF)

The HIV Laboratory Waste Cost Assessment Framework (WCAF) is a tool to support laboratories with a standardised format for forecasting waste disposal costs for HIV viral load (VL) and early infant diagnosis (EID) to country level program managers for country operational plan (COP) planning. This tool was co-developed by US CDC and Roche Diagnostics under a public-private partnership for the waste generated by the VL/EID kits used in PEPFAR-supported countries. It is supplier agnostic, making it useful to calculate volumes of solid and liquid waste across VL/EID centralised platforms used in the country. Thanks to the country teams who supported the development and assessment of the tool: Kenya, Zambia, Nigeria, Uganda, Eswatini, Zimbabwe, Ethiopia, and Malawi. A short instructional video is available to help navigate the tool here. For any questions around the use of the waste management tool please contact Monte D. Martin here and David Bressler here.

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