The March 2023 LabCoP ECHO session organised by ASLM and the Global Laboratory Initiative (GLI) focused on the GLI Planning and Budgeting Tool for tuberculosis and drug resistant TB testing, and the Stop TB Partnership Global Drug Facility (GDF) diagnostics product catalogue. These planning and budgeting tools are semi-automated, editable, Excel-based calculation tools for estimating quantities and costs of diagnostic products and laboratory supplies. The tools consider country-specific epidemiology and diagnostic algorithms and addresses World Health Organization-recommended diagnostic and drug susceptibility testing methods as well as items related to biosafety, equipment maintenance and references product numbers and prices in the GDF catalogue. GDF also shared recent updates on its product catalogue and highlighted other tools available to support procurement and supply chain planning for TB diagnostics. The session was presented by Dr Carl-Michael Nathanson, Technical Officer, Global TB Program, World Health Organization in Geneva; and Brian Kaiser, Technical Officer, Market Strategies, Global Drug Facility. Please follow the links here to view the recorded ECHO session and download the presentation slides.