Fleming Fund Fellowship Tanzania Graduates Five Fellows!
ASLM is leading an alliance of six partners serving as a host institution for the Fleming Fund Fellowship in Tanzania. The Fleming Fund Fellowship, supported by UK Aid, aims to men
The South African National Health Laboratory Service Celebrates Over 100 Accredited Laboratories!
The African Society for Laboratory Medicine (ASLM) is excited to share the news that a total of 103 South African National Health Laboratory Service (NHLS) facilities have achieved
Outcomes of Antiretroviral Treatment Improve in Eight PEPFAR Supported Countries Between 2013-2018
An article published by the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the 28 May 2021 issue of the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) documents an
Formation des laborantins du réseau des laboratoires de diagnostic COVID-19 sur le système de gestion de la qualité au laboratoire au Burundi.
La Société Africaine de Laboratoire de Médecine (ASLM) après avoir doté neuf (9) laboratoires régionaux et de districts du Burundi des normes ISO15189:2012 et ISO15190:
Complémentarité et synergie des appuis au pilier laboratoire pour la riposte contre la COVID-19 au Gabon
Dès les premiers instants de la préparation à la pandémie de COVID-19 en Afrique, l’OMS et Africa CDC, se sont mobilisées pour renforcer les capacités de détection des cas
ASLM and Africa CDC Publish Paper on National Laboratory Systems and Networks in AJLM
The Africa Society for Laboratory Medicine is pleased to announce the publication of the article ‘Preparing national tiered laboratory systems and networks to advance diagnostics
ASLM Launches #WinTheFight Social Media Campaign
Since the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 to be a public health emergency of international concern, ASLM has relentlessly worked to train our medical laboratory communi
ASLM Continues the Fight Against AMR with Fleming Fund and AMRSNET
EQuAFRICA workshop in Johannesburg, South Africa from 10-11 February, 2020 While the fight against COVID-19 remains a top priority, the African Society for Laboratory Medicine (ASL
Fleming Fund Program Expands Activities to Central Africa with the Regional EQA Grant (EQAFRICA)
In alignment with the Global Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance objective to build sustainable national systems for improved surveillance, the United Kingdom-based Fleming Fun