ASLM Resource Form

Please use this form to submit a resource that our audience can find here on ASLM’s website. Once this form is submitted the resource will be easily found on the main resource page as well as any resource pages specific to your project. Please include only one resource per submission. If your resource includes multiple websites or files (e.g. various translations of the same resource) you may attach them in one submission. If you have any questions about this process please contact ASLM’s Communications Manager at Email

    Please begin by proving a 1-2 sentence summary of the resource. Then describe the resource in more detail, and how it might be relevant to the audience.

    Remaining Characters 3000

    Please either upload the resource document or provide the website address where the resource can be found in the text box below. (File size limited to 20MB)


    Accepted file types: pdf, doc, dox, docx, ppt, xlsx, xlsm, pptx.

    Please upload an image that reflects the topic of the resource, i.e., if the resource is about Waste Management, upload an image that shows laboratory waste. (File size limited to 25MB)


    Accepted file types: jpg, tif, png, gif, jpeg.

    Please check off all Projects that the resource is relevant to. If your project is not listed, please add your project name in the ‘Other’ text box.


    AMR CoPBiosafety/BiosecurityDiagnostic Integration Knowledge LibraryIntegrated Diagnostic ConsortiumLabCoPLaboratory NetworksLaboratory MappingOutbreak CoveragePoint-of-CareSLIPTA

    Please check off all Resource Types that the resource is relevant to. If the type of resource is not listed, please describe the resource type in the ‘Other’ text box.

    Resource Type

    Blog Articlee-LearningECHO SessionGuidelinesMapsPresentationPublicationReportToolsVideoWhite Paper

    Please check off all Topics that the resource is relevant to. If the resource topic is not listed, please describe the topic in the ‘Other’ text box.


    Antimicrobial ResistanceBiosafety/BiosecurityContinuous Quality ImprovementCOVID-19Diagnostic TechnologyDisease SurveillanceEmerging Infectious DiseasesGlobal Health SecurityHIV/AIDSLaboratory Clinic InterfaceLaboratory Information SystemsLaboratory System StrengtheningLaboratory WorkforceMonitoring and EvaluationOne HealthPolicy and GuidelinesPublic-Private PartnershipsQuality Management Systems and AccreditationSample TransportationTuberculosisViral Load Scale-UpWaste Management